
S11 Oil Immersed Distribution Transformer

S11 Oil Immersed Distribution Transformer

Compared with ordinary oil-dipped Transformers, it cancels the oil storage cabinet, its corrugated mailbox's wavy wings replace the tubing as the cooling heat-dissipating component, its corrugated mai···

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S13 Oil Immersed Distribution Transformer

S13 Oil Immersed Distribution Transformer

S13 Oil Immersed Distribution Transformer uses new materials, new processes, new structures, optimized design, and elaborate manufacturing. Compared with the S11 model, its no-load loss is reduced by ···

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35kV Oil-Immersed Transformer

35kV Oil-Immersed Transformer

This product is suitable for power systems such as Three Phase, 50HZ, 35Kv and below, and is the main substation for small and medium-sized substations. For industrial and agricultural distribution, p···

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