Dry type transformers can operate in high humidity and harsh environments, making them an efficient and durable power transformer. Compared to oil immersed transformers, dry type transformers have lower maintenance costs and are safer and more reliable to use. Therefore, dry type transformers have become one of the most popular transformer types in modern industrial, commercial, and residential buildings.
The core components of dry-type transformers are high-voltage and low-voltage windings, which are embedded in insulation materials and installed in cooling radiators. Unlike oil immersed transformers that require oil tanks and coolers for cooling, dry transformers rely on air circulation and natural heat dissipation to maintain temperature. Its structure is simple, its volume is small, and it can maintain normal service life with minimal maintenance work.
Dry type transformers have high insulation levels and safety, using environmentally friendly materials and production processes to reduce environmental pollution and threats to human health. At the same time, dry-type transformers have short start-up time, high operational efficiency, and perform well in power transmission and distribution systems.
In the long run, dry-type transformers are more durable and easy to maintain, which can greatly reduce operating costs and failure rates. In addition, the dry type transformer is well designed to meet the needs of different regions and industries, from machinery and equipment to industrial use and construction projects, and can be applied.
In short, dry-type transformers are an efficient, environmentally friendly, and low-cost power transformer, gradually becoming the preferred choice for industrial and construction power transformers. It has made contributions to the sustainable development of modern society and promoted the development and progress of the power industry.